Climate Justice and Biodiversity Conservation

Empowering communities through agroecology and permaculture to combat climate change and preserve biodiversity.

The Challenge

Indigenous communities are on the frontlines of climate change, facing threats to their traditional ways of life and ecosystems. Despite this, their voices are often marginalized in global climate discussions.

Our Approach

At IWGI, we believe that indigenous knowledge is crucial to addressing climate change and preserving biodiversity. Our program focuses on:

  • Training communities in agroecological practices
  • Establishing permaculture farm models in schools
  • Promoting intergenerational knowledge transfer
  • Advocating for climate policies that respect indigenous rights

Success Stories

Agroecology Training and Farm Demonstrations:
We’ve successfully conducted agroecology training and farm demonstrations in:

  • Kiptingilon location
  • Endorois location
  • Sambalat location
  • Marakwet (working with widows)
  • Machakos County (with Kaani Small Scale Farmers Association)
  • Kibingor location (with Tach Berur Self Help group)

Community Empowerment:
We’ve supported and trained several community groups on agroecology principles, including:

  • Endorois Women
  • Empowerment Network
  • Koimugul Women Network
  • Taach Berur
  • Kaani Association
  • These groups received shade nets and indigenous seeds to establish community agroforestry centers and seed banks.
    Environmental Conservation:
  • IWGI participated in the “One Million Tree Planting” initiative at Chemususu, contributing to large-scale reforestation efforts.

Have a question or want to get involved?

You're interested in supporting indigenous women and girls? Do you have questions about our climate action initiatives, agroecology programs, or volunteer opportunities? Contact us!